Saturday, January 16, 2021

Murphy Prioritizes Smokers, Enrages Legislator

The following is from our friends at Save Jersey, reprinted with permission:

Assemblyman Brian Bergen (R-25) was among the public officials who expressed outrage this week concerning the Murphy Administration’s continued strange priorities when it comes to who gets vaccinated and when.

The latest: on Wednesday, the Democrat regime decided that the state’s 116,000 public school teachers are eligible ahead of smokers for early vaccination.

“I am appalled that the Murphy administration would prioritize people who make the life choice to smoke cigarettes to receive the vaccine before our teachers and daycare employees on the front lines every day,” said Bergen, a self-professed former smoker. “I know how hard it is to quit and how serious the health effects of smoking can be. With that said, it is a personal choice to smoke and people should not get ahead in line for a vaccine because they chose a lifestyle that puts them at a higher risk.”

New Jersey has the nation’s worst COVID-19 death rate but consistently ranks in the bottom 50% of states for the percentage of vaccines doses in its possession which have been distributed.

Late in 2020, the Murphy Administration began vaccinating prisoners ahead of some veterans home residents. The deaths at one North Jersey state-run home is currently the subject of a grand jury probe.

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