Thursday, February 4, 2021

Ciattarelli On Murphy: 'Offensive And Inexcusable!'

Successful small businessman, MBA/CPA, former Assemblyman, and presumptive Republican nominee for Governor, Jack Ciattarelli, today issued the following statement in response to the announcement that criminal charges have been filed against three corrections officials involved in the January 11th abuses at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, including the horrific beating and sexual assault of several female inmates:

“Governor Murphy - starting during his campaign and now carrying through to his administration - is guilty of protecting men in positions of power, while women are forced to endure sickening verbal and …
… today about the treatment of women under his care at Edna Mahan. The Senate Democrats were right to call for Hicks to go, and Governor Murphy's decision to stand by him is both offensive and inexcusable."

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