Saturday, February 27, 2021

Stop Murphy From 'Handcuffing' Law Enforcement!

 From our friends at Save Jersey, reprinted with permission:

The Assembly’s GOP minority leader says he’s drafting a bill which, if adopted, would restore the ability of New Jersey police to notify parents if their minor child is arrested for possessing or consuming pot or alcohol. 

“Handcuffing law enforcement from notifying parents if they find a child using drugs or alcohol is irresponsible and dangerous,” said Jon Bramnick (R-Union) on Wednesday. “Parents should know if their children break the law. Leaving parents out of the equation has nothing to do with social justice.”

It’s still technically unlawful for New Jersey kids to use or possess booze or weed, but the marijuana legalization “clean up” bill (A5342) signed into law by Governor Murphy on Monday bars law enforcement from notifying parents for a first encounter. The police can only issue a warning. Upon issuing a second warning, the police can finally notify the parents. There are no more criminal penalties attached to minor marijuana and alcohol use like fines or even community service.

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