Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Is THIS The Winning Combo For 2022?


"With Sean Parnell running for the House and Jeff Bartos running for the Senate, our party will be in the best possible position to succeed in 2022."

"2022 presents our party a remarkable chance to take back the House and the Senate. And the mission to take back both of those chambers starts right here in Pennsylvania. 


As County Chairs and Elected Officials of the Pennsylvania Republican Party, we know better than most that these opportunities are rare, and we have to capitalize when they come around. 


We have two phenomenal candidates who can win two must-win seats. 


Sean Parnell came close to beating Conor Lamb in Pennsylvania's 17th Congressional District in 2020 and if we unite behind Sean early, we know 2022 will be a different story. Sean Parnell is our best chance to win PA-17 and take back a seat that should be in Republican control. 


Jeff Bartos was our Lieutenant Governor nominee in 2018, and since then has launched a non-profit helping save Pennsylvania small businesses. Jeff's Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund has raised over $3.4 million and saved over 1,000 small businesses in Pennsylvania, a perfect contrast to the Democrat Party's lockdown policies that put working families out of a job. Jeff Bartos is our best chance to win the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate seat and put our party on the path back to the majority.


With Sean Parnell running for the House and Jeff Bartos running for the Senate, our party will be in the best possible position to succeed in 2022." 



Jackie Kulback 
Cambria County Chair

Jim Foreman
Blair County Chair

Arleen Multhauf
Clearfield County Chair

Sen. Dan Laughlin
Pennsylvania SD-49

Rep. Dawn Keefer
Pennsylvania HD-92

Rep. Torren Ecker
Pennsylvania HD-193

Bill Kozlovich
Fayette County Chair

Dick Harris
Bradford County Chair

Jim Smith
Mifflin County Chair

Sen. Judy Ward
Pennsylvania SD-30

Sen. Bob Mensch
Pennsylvania SD-24

Rep. Tommy Sankey 
Pennsylvania HD-73

Born and raised in Berks County, Jeff Bartos has been a Pennsylvania resident his entire life. Bartos is a small business owner and real estate developer active in the Greater Philadelphia market. Jeff and his wife, Sheryl, have two daughters, Emily and Sarah. Jeff was the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor in 2018, and served as the Board Chair of the Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund, a non-profit saving small businesses in Pennsylvania, until February of 2021. To learn more about Jeff and his campaign for U.S. Senate, please visit www.JeffBartos.com

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