Thursday, May 27, 2021

Why Melinda Ciattarelli Is Joizee's New Heroine!


She's brash.

She's bold.

And she takes NO prisoners.

In short, she's a Joizee gal.

She's Melinda Ciattarelli, the wife of the presumptive GOP nominee for Governor, Jack Ciattarelli.
The other night Melinda had a go round with a guy named King Penna, manager for an opposing candidate during a GOP gubernatorial debate at a radio studio. Penna was talking trash, hoping to provoke the wife of the Republican frontrunner. And Penna got more than he bargained for -- a lot more!

Here's the rough transcript as seen on the video and  reported by The Trentonian and other sources:

Penna [P]: Jack's a “pro-choice, never-Trumper loser.”

P: “Why don’t you throw your kids out of the house.” (The Ciattarelli's three kids are all apparently registered to vote from the parents' address.)

Melinda [M]: “My kids are out of the house, thank you very much . . . Yeah, I’ve got one at home, he’s a diesel mechanic, and that’s it.”

P: “They’re all registered at your house."

M: “Yes they are. My son, he’s in the Army, you idiot. He’s in New York now. One of them is in Montclair State, is that not in New Jersey, you imbecile?”

P: “It doesn’t matter. The only imbecile is you.”

M: “You’re an arrogant asshole."

P:  “No no no, excuse me?”

M: “You’re an arrogant ass."

Penna then mocked Melinda calling her "very ladylike" while Melinda shot back that Penna was "a pig." Then, she got within two feet of Penna's face to deem him "obnoxious."

Melinda Ciattarelli, you are clearly not a "to the manner born" country club Republican. Which is to say, you're the Real Deal -- a Joizee gal to the core and a fighter with fierce family loyalty and the will to win. This is kind of campaigner New Jersey needs and the kind of First Lady who will ably and honestly represent us. We've taken gruff from too many effete phonies for far too long. No more! Jack and Melinda Ciattarelli will answer those who stand in our way with the one-two punch they so richly deserve! GoGoGo!

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