Friday, May 14, 2021

Pennsylvania: End Enhanced Jobless Benefits!

In response to the worsening labor crisis devastating Pennsylvania's economy, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Jeff Bartos called for the end of the federal enhanced unemployment program. Bartos also called on Gov. Tom Wolf to follow the lead of Republican Governors around the country and immediately suspend payment of the federal subsidy of unemployment, given that it is disincentivizing workers to reenter the labor force. 

Bartos slammed Wolf's contribution to the labor crisis, making it impossible for businesses to recover from Wolf's lockdowns, and called on politicians to get serious about getting our commonwealth back to work: 

“The time has come and gone for enhanced unemployment. Small businesses who struggled to get through the past year now can't find adequate staffing and are once again struggling to survive. In the interest of helping small businesses survive, I am calling on Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Joe Biden to end enhanced unemployment benefits," said Bartos, "I am also calling on Governor Wolf to follow the lead of Republican Governors across the country and opt-out of the federal program now. After locking our commonwealth down, putting working families out of a job, and crushing the hopes and dreams of small business owners across Pennsylvania, the least he could do is take concrete steps towards getting our economy back on track. It's time to end the madness and get Pennsylvanians back to work.” 

"Pennsylvania small businesses are facing their second extinction-level event in as many years at the hands of out-of-touch Democrat politicians. I have visited dozens of small businesses in the past six weeks across 40 counties, and have yet to meet one business owner who can find employees to fill all open positions," continued Bartos, "Politicians need to fix the labor crisis that they created, stop interfering in our dynamic economy, and get out of the way."

Born and raised in Berks County, Jeff Bartos has been a Pennsylvania resident his entire life. Bartos is a small business owner and real estate developer active in the Greater Philadelphia market. Jeff and his wife, Sheryl, have two daughters, Emily and Sarah. Jeff was the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor in 2018, and served as the Board Chair of the Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund, a non-profit saving small businesses in Pennsylvania, until February of 2021. To learn more about Jeff and his campaign for U.S. Senate, please visit

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