Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Catholics To Biden: Don't Take Holy Communion!



Following is a very important message from Catholic Vote:


We just released a new poll on Catholics, public officials, and the Eucharist.


The media is already reporting the fascinating findings.

But I wanted you to get the full story.


As you know, the U.S. bishops are set to meet (virtually), starting tomorrow. Among the many topics on their agenda, they will be debating whether or not to move forward with drafting a document to renew respect for the richness and beauty of the Holy Eucharist. This includes the obvious question: whether prominent public officials who advocate for policies in direct contradiction of the Church ought to receive Communion.


I hired a professional polling firm to ask several questions of Mass-attendingCatholics. 


The results are encouraging -- and should provide insights for the Bishops’ discussion this week. 


The survey revealed that 83% of Mass-attending Catholics agreed that the bishops should publicly defend all Catholic teachings. Just 6% disagreed. When asked if bishops should teach on matters of faith and morals, 90% agreed -- with only 2% opposed.


The survey also asked Mass-attending Catholics if they agreed that Catholic public officials who disagree with the Church on serious or grave matters “create confusion and disunity.” A whopping 83% of Mass-attending Catholics agreed that these public officials cause confusion and disunity. Just 7% disagreed. 


And then there’s this:


74% of Catholics believe that Catholic public officials who disagree with their Church on serious or grave matters should avoid creating confusion and disunity by not presenting themselves for Communion. 


Just 10% disagreed. 


Other key findings include: 

  • 91% were excited to go back to Mass after churches reopen.
  • 88% believe it is important for Catholic bishops to teach and lead others in matters of the faith, including those who are public officials and other people in influential or powerful positions. 
  • 87% believe it is important for Catholic bishops to teach and lead others in matters of the faith, including those who may disagree with the Church on fundamental issues. 
  • 82% believe public officials who identify as Catholic but openly advocate for policies hostile to Church teaching are hypocritical. 


You can view the full poll results here.


THE KEY: we only surveyed Catholics who attend Mass at least once a week, or monthly. 


Too often polling of “Catholics” includes any self-described Catholic. To be sure, all those who are baptized are our brothers and sisters in the Faith. But when it comes to understanding Catholic opinion, Catholics who still practice the Faith are who really matters. These are Catholics who are raising their kids in the faith, who financially support the Church, and who engage in parish ministries.


They are the future of the Church -- and they are the Catholic people our Bishops should be paying attention to.


I realize some skeptics will question these results. So here’s the kicker: the same poll respondents gave President Biden a 56% approval rating -- right in line with other national surveys.


In sum, a slim majority of Catholics are generally happy with President Biden (for now). 


Yet a massive majority believe he is causing confusion and disunity -- and should not receive communion.


Finally, the poll findings are clear: Catholics want their bishops to lead. 


Brian Birch, President, www.catholicvote.org


P.S. I want to especially thank our CV Champions whose monthly support makes all that we do at CatholicVote possible, including this important new poll.  To learn more about becoming a member of the Champions Club, click here.

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