Saturday, June 19, 2021

Celebrate Juneteenth, But Keep It In Context!

Hey, we've got no beef with Juneteenth. None whatsoever!

In fact, I taught inner city fifth graders in Camden about Juneteenth more than 50 years ago in my first job out of college as I worked as an elementary school teacher. I taught Black history before most people even knew what it was. And I was proud and honored to do it. Later, as Communications Director for the Philadelphia Bar Association I helped launch the Association's first-ever annual observance of Juneteenth. Once again, it was a joy to be part of this.

I am a bit concerned, however, about the way Juneteenth has been weaponized by Democrats and is being used to misinform and indoctrinate others. That's why we've tried to set the historical record straight here. The Republican Party was founded to end slavery. The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. The earliest African-Americans elected to federal office were Republicans and it's Republicans who fought for the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution abolishing slavery and the many civil rights laws which followed. None of this would have been possible without Republicans. That is the legacy of the Republican Party. BTW: It's also fitting to note that in the very Republican state of Texas, Juneteenth has been a state holiday for more than 40 years.

Finally, we're also concerned that the new holiday is called Juneteenth National Independence Day. We worry that it might be confused with or, for some people, actually supplant our real Independence Day also known as the Fourth of July. Sadly, the possibility now exists that we will have two separate "independence" days -- one on the 19th of June for African-Americans and one on July 4th for everybody else. That would be a real tragedy and would further divide our nation. July 4th is America's Independence Day -- a day for all Americans of every race, creed and color to celebrate. Diluting that day would represent a great disservice to freedom, democracy and our shared national heritage. 

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