Wednesday, June 16, 2021

How Jersey Is JERSEY? We've Got The Answer!

Let's face it.

New Jersey is a special place. It's not quite like any other place on earth. And native New Jersey residents know this. We're different. We've got our own way of seeing the world. We've also got a bit of an attitude. And we can recognize one another in an instant. We know if you're one of us -- and we immediately know if you're not. 

How Jersey do you have to be to be Jersey? Well, to begin with you've got to be Jersey born and bred. And you give directions to your home by identifying your turnpike or parkway exit number because that is your home. In the summer, you don't go to the beach; you go down the shore. And you know that summer means Jersey corn and Jersey tomatoes. In fact, you probably grow tomatoes and peppers in your yard because, after all, this is the Garden State. You also probably eat in a diner several times a month because a diner is not the person sitting next to you at a fashionable bistro but rather the gleaming roadside eatery that you go to for breakfast or a quick bite. And you always knew that the people on Jersey Shore were really not from New Jersey. You also understand that more often than not you have to turn right to turn left because, well -- this is New Jersey. And you never, ever pump your own gas. Plus, you root for the Mets, Yanks or Phillies and not the Boston Red Sox.

Which is to say that if we gave Phil Murphy a test to figure out whether or not he's actually Jersey? Well, that native of Massachusetts would family miserably. He knows it. Phil Ciattarelli knows it. You know it. We all know it!

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