Friday, June 25, 2021

NJ Budget: Legislators Speak Out; Pay Attention!

Below are links to tweets with embedded YouTube video from New Jersey State Senate Republicans who spoke during today’s New Jersey Senate floor debate on the FY 2022 State Budget, along with a brief synopsis: 

Senator Steven Oroho (R-24), the Senate Republican Budget Officer:

“I've heard a lot about a surplus, this windfall, during debate over Gov. Murphy's budget proposal. New Jersey has no surplus. We have over $200 billion worth of unfunded liabilities that need to be addressed.”


Senator Michael Testa (R-1), a member of the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee:

“The budget that Democrats approved today is bad public policy and it's wrong for New Jersey and the forgotten taxpayers. It represents an orgy of pork and unnecessary spending.”


Senator Declan O'Scanlon (R-13), a member of the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee:

“I don't like this historic lack of transparency. I don't like last minute bills that spend billions of dollars that nobody has read. I don't like massive amounts of pork and billion-dollar slush funds.”


Senator Sam Thompson (R-12), a member of the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee:

“This state budget process was awful for transparency. It undermines the guiding principles that are important to every democracy.”


Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean (R-21):

“As a result of the many impacts of the pandemic over the past 15 months, there are a great many needs that this budget should address to help New Jersey recover and come back stronger. Unfortunately, this proposal missed the mark.”


Senator Bob Singer (R-30), Deputy Republican Leader:

“The budget that Democrats approved today is really around $51 billion when you add the federal dollars in received by New Jersey in recent months. It's unsustainable into the future. It'll lead to drastic budget cuts next year or huge increases in taxes.”


Senator Anthony M. Bucco (R-25):

“The Democratic budget proposal approved by the Senate today represents missed opportunities for New Jerseyans. I'm afraid we'll be back here next year with nothing to show for the many tens of billions of dollars that are being spent.”

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