Thursday, June 3, 2021

Phony Dem Bill DOESN'T Limit Murphy Powers!

New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth) issued a statement following the passage of A-5820, which Democrats claimed would limit Governor Murphy’s public health emergency authority.

Sen. Declan O’Scanlon denounced a bill approved by Democrats today that they falsely claimed would limit Gov. Phil Murphy’s public health emergency authority. (

“The bill that was passed today might claim to curb the Governor’s powers, but it fails to do so in many key areas,” said O’Scanlon. “OPRA requests pertaining to the pandemic are still off-limits, muting the legislative, media, and public examination of the administration’s policies. Including those policies that led to so many deaths in nursing homes, the needless devastation of countless businesses, and all other aspects of the pandemic response.”

“Further, this legislation leaves in place the moratorium on landlords’ ability to collect rent, potentially through the end of this year. This will absolutely crush so many small landlords and homeowners.”

“Lastly–and incredibly concerning–this bill is moving with absolutely zero public or legislative input. All of these reasons make a ‘NO’ vote not only easy, but obligatory.”

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