Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Time Has Come To Rescue NJ's Kids

Online Petition Urging Gov. Murphy to “Unmask Our Kids” Nears 10k Signatures

Senator Kristin Corrado will introduce legislation tomorrow allowing children to unmask at daycare as a companion to bills introduced this week allowing kids to stop wearing masks at school and summer camp.

Sen. Kristin Corrado will introduce legislation allowing children to unmask at daycare. She said an online petition signed by nearly 10,000 people urging Gov. Murphy to “Unmask Our Kids” shows broad support for ending mask mandates for children. (Pixabay)

“The package of bills we are sponsoring would override Governor Murphy’s executive orders and allow New Jersey’s children to unmask at daycare, summer camp, and school,” said Corrado (R-40). “With infection rates for adults plummeting and little demonstrated risk to children from the virus, we think it’s time to unmask our kids.”

Corrado’s new bill would prohibit requiring children at daycare centers to wear masks.

On Tuesday, she introduced S-3878, which prohibits mandatory mask use at youth summer camps. She also co-sponsors legislation, S-3879, which prohibits requiring students to wear face masks in schools and on school buses.

The senator said an online petition launched by Senate Republicans demonstrates the broad support from parents for ending the governor’s mask restrictions for children.

“Nearly 10,000 people have signed our online petition telling Governor Murphy to ‘Unmask Our Kids’ since it launched a few days ago,” added Corrado. “Governor Murphy appears to be sticking with his unnecessary mask mandates for now, but we’ll keep banging the drum louder and louder with thousands of parents until he finally pays attention.”

The online petition can be signed at

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