Thursday, June 24, 2021

There's A Reason Why His Star Is Rising!


Save Jersey's Matt Rooney and I had an in-depth, freewheelin' chat with Middletown (NJ) Mayor Tony Perry
Right at the start of the interview, Tony tells us what's wrong with the budget that Phil Murphy and the Democrats are ramming through the state legislature and then he connects all the dots between Murphy and the Dems' misguided policies and their negative impact on municipalities across the state. 
The amiable Perry is dedicated, detailed, smart and articulate. 
And, he's the first Middletown mayor in decades to be chosen as mayor by his colleagues for each of his three years on the Township Committee. As one of the youngest mayors in the state (and the mayor of one of New Jersey's best-run communities) it's clear he's got a bright future ahead of him. 
Take a look at this video and peek into the future of the Garden State. 
This guy's goin' places!

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