Saturday, July 17, 2021

A Message From The Chair Of The PA GOP

 Fellow Pennsylvanians,

This week, President Biden made false claims about our state’s election integrity measures and what they would mean for Pennsylvania, so I wanted to set the record straight. The sacred right to vote is a right that everyone supports, and ensuring a fair and secure election process in which everyone can have confidence in the outcome is the only way to secure that right. Simply put, basic election security measures like requiring a photo ID to vote help to secure the right to vote, not undermine it.

While the President launches these baseless attacks on our party, Josh Shapiro and Tom Wolf have continued to block Pennsylvania Republicans’ efforts to secure a full forensic investigation of the results of the 2020 and 2021 elections in our state. If these elections were as secure as they claim, they should have nothing to worry about, so it begs the question -- what are they trying to hide? The people have a right to know that their votes were fairly counted and that Pennsylvania’s elections were free from any form of fraud.

Our party is going to continue to work to uncover the truth about Pennsylvania's elections through a full forensic investigation, and we’re going to keep up the fight to pass popular proposals like Voter ID and restore integrity to our elections. But we’re counting on conservatives like you to join our fight.


Lawrence J. Tabas
Chairman, Republican Party of Pennsylvania

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