Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Fight Against CRT Is Real -- AND WINNABLE!

From a piece by Christopher F. Rufo that originally appeared in the New York Post:

The revolt against critical race theory has inspired millions of parents to engage in the political process, protest at school board meetings, run for office, file lawsuits, and lobby state legislators to stop the madness through the rightful exercise of democratic power.

According to a recent YouGov/Economist poll, 64 percent of Americans now know about critical race theory, of which 58 percent view it unfavorably, including 72 percent of independents who believe including it in school curricula is “bad for America.”

These citizens understand implicitly that public schools are being devoured by a hostile ideology that seeks to divide the country by race and undermine the core principle of democratic control. They understand a simple truth, forgotten by the chattering class: in a democracy, voters get to decide how to shape, guide, and restrict public institutions, especially those that have power over children.

The war against critical race theory is a war worth fighting — and, more importantly, a war worth winning

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