Thursday, July 15, 2021

URGENT: Act NOW To Save Innocent Lives!

 Here is a very special message from


We’re calling on all Catholics to rally today.


We need to save the Hyde Amendment.


Pro-life groups like the Susan B. Anthony List and CatholicVote are working together and asking everyone to post on their social media today about how #HydeSavesLives.


REMINDER: The Hyde Amendment is a long-standing bipartisan agreement that taxpayers should not have to pay for abortions. It has been passed every year since 1976. It has long had the support of both Republicans and Democrats. In fact, when in the Senate, Joe Biden supported the Hyde Amendment and voted for it more than 25 times.  


But now President Biden is calling for an end to the Hyde Amendment, which has saved nearly 2.5 million lives!


Here’s what you can do:


Contact your representative through the CatholicVote Action Center. Urge them to insist on pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment. We make it easy to send a note to your representative, and we have helpful talking points for you.


Visit CatholicVote’s Facebook or Twitter pages. We have graphics and important information you can share with your friends and followers.


Write your own posts on social media to get the word out. Make sure to include the hashtag #HydeSavesLives. After all, polling shows that a strong majority of Americans back the Hyde Amendment. 


Democrats used the Covid-19 pandemic to pass an emergency funding bill earlier this year which did NOT include pro-life protections like the Hyde Amendment. 


But now Democrats want to completely cut off the Hyde Amendment from the normal annual appropriations bill. 


We must stand our ground. We must rally Catholics. Let everyone know #HydeSavesLives. 

Dear Daniel,


We’re calling on all Catholics to rally today.


We need to save the Hyde Amendment.


Pro-life groups like the Susan B. Anthony List and CatholicVote are working together and asking everyone to post on their social media today about how #HydeSavesLives.


REMINDER: The Hyde Amendment is a long-standing bipartisan agreement that taxpayers should not have to pay for abortions. It has been passed every year since 1976. It has long had the support of both Republicans and Democrats. In fact, when in the Senate, Joe Biden supported the Hyde Amendment and voted for it more than 25 times.  


But now President Biden is calling for an end to the Hyde Amendment, which has saved nearly 2.5 million lives!


Here’s what you can do:


Contact your representative through the CatholicVote Action Center. Urge them to insist on pro-life protections, including the Hyde Amendment. We make it easy to send a note to your representative, and we have helpful talking points for you.


Visit CatholicVote’s Facebook or Twitter pages. We have graphics and important information you can share with your friends and followers.


Write your own posts on social media to get the word out. Make sure to include the hashtag #HydeSavesLives. After all, polling shows that a strong majority of Americans back the Hyde Amendment. 


Democrats used the Covid-19 pandemic to pass an emergency funding bill earlier this year which did NOT include pro-life protections like the Hyde Amendment. 


But now Democrats want to completely cut off the Hyde Amendment from the normal annual appropriations bill. 


We must stand our ground. We must rally Catholics. Let everyone know #HydeSavesLives.

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