Sunday, August 8, 2021

A Splendid, Exciting Team That's Ready To Lead!

 The following important message is from the New Jersey GOP:


It's not quite who John Mellencamp had in mind when he wrote his 1982 hit, but Jack Ciattarelli and Diane Allen are a dynamic duo that will take the Garden State by storm and ensure that we fire our dictator of a governor on November 2nd. 

It's hard to overstate Senator Diane Allen's record as a trailblazer for women across our state as well as a champion for New Jersey taxpayers during her time in the legislature, because it is a record without parallel. Nobody is better suited to hold Phil Murphy accountable for his repeated and systemic mistreatment of women, nor is anybody better suited to help Jack Ciattarelli fix New Jersey than Diane Allen.  

As someone who was discriminated against during her career as a journalist, Senator Allen used her time in the legislature to lay the foundation for one of the strongest anti-bullying laws in the country. She is even the namesake of New Jersey’s equal pay act. 

Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean Jr. said Senator Allen was a “fierce fighter for the women and children of New Jersey.” She has demonstrated this through her work on the Jessica Lunsford Act, a law that strengthens the penalty for sexual assault against children, and as the Chair of the National Foundation for Women Legislators, an organization dedicated to “empowering elected women to become thought leaders who shape America’s future.”

That's not all the news from this week. Phil Murphy, unable to resist his natural urge to routinely cave to special interests and attempt to use the power of government to control our lives, implemented mandatory mask mandates for our kids in school, regardless of their vaccination status. 

Phil Murphy told us to get vaccinated in order to go back to normal. Phil Murphy is a liar. It's bad enough he's kept kids out of school as long as he has, which has had myriad adverse impacts on kids as well as parents, now this? As Jack Ciattarelli said this week: "Bottom line, whether a child wears a mask should be decided by parents, not government."
The NJGOP team was back on the road this week, hosting a campaign training school in Bergen County. Thanks to the 75+ candidates and Party leaders who came out to learn about best practices and tactics, as well as all the complimentary tools, technology and resources that the NJGOP offers to all our Republican campaigns. Thanks to NJGOP Vice-Chair Darlene Shotmeyer as well as Bergen County GOP Chairman Jack Zisa for helping to make this event such a success.  
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Upcoming Events!

August 10, 2021: "Keep Morris Strong" Summer Reception

August 11, 2021: Denise Gonzales for Assembly (LD4) Fundraiser

August 11, 2021: LD16 GOP Ice Cream Social

August 12, 2021Breakfast Honoring Assemblywoman Jean Stanfield (LD8 Senate Candidate)

August 12, 2021: Sean Sepsey & Sam DiMatteo for Assembly Fundraiser (LD5)

August 14, 2021: Somerset County GOP Family Picnic

If you need any more information on any of these events of have an upcoming event that you would like featured on, please email it to along with all the details.

Thank you all for your continued support for the Republican Party in New Jersey. With your help we will ensure that Phil Murphy is one and done this November, and that we elect Republicans up and down the ticket.


Tom Szymanski | Executive Director

New Jersey Republican State Committee

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