Friday, August 6, 2021

NO School Mask Mandate; Kids Are NOT Pawns!

After the Governor announced masks will once again be mandatory when schools resume in September, New Jersey state Senator Michael Testa and Assemblymen Erik Simonsen and Antwan McClellan asserted that decision should be up to the parents.

Senator Michael Testa and Assemblymen Erik Simonsen and Antwan McClellan insist parents should decide is their children should wear masks when they go back to school. (Pixabay)

“The last thing we need is Trenton to swoop in and order our children to mask up for the first day of school,” the legislators said in a joint statement. “Children have been used as pawns in this game before, and we know the damage masks have done to their psyche and their educational and personal development.

“The data shows that school children are not super-spreaders, and classrooms don’t fuel outbreaks. We won’t stand down and allow the Murphy Administration to steal one more day from our children by forcing them to surrender to unneeded and ineffective face protection.

“Masks are an unnecessary nuisance. Neither children nor adults should be required to wear them.”

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