Friday, August 20, 2021

Remembering Doreen Davis: What A Remarkable Journey!

Doreen Davis approached every challenge she faced with a determination to be consequential; to make a meaningful difference.

It was just her way. She wasn’t about ceremony or titles or imagery. She was simply out to get things done.

This was never clearer than when she sat in my office prior to a critical Board of Governors meeting in 2000 and vowed to win a contentious vote despite formidable odds. And that’s exactly what happened. Doreen defied the hallowed tradition of the nation’s old- est bar association and convinced the Board to approve mail-in voting for bar elections. Prior to this, voting was in-person or by absentee ballot with due cause.

Considering that 20 years later, the whole country is just begin- ning to embrace mail-in voting, to call Doreen a “trailblazer” would be an understatement. She had remarkable foresight, stamina, and . . .  click here to read the rest of this story from the current issue of The Philadelphia Lawyer magazine.

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