Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Fire Threatening Historic Reagan Ranch . . .

 A very special message from the Young America's Foundation and the Reagan Ranch:

Dear Friends,

Our team at Young America’s Foundation is closely monitoring the Alisal Fire which is near our beloved Rancho del Cielo. We are taking all necessary precautions. The fire started on Monday, October 11, near the Alisal Reservoir and has covered more than 13,000 acres. The fire has attracted national media attention and has closed Refugio Road and portions of Highway 101. It is spreading throughout an area that has not burned since 1955, and prevailing conditions are fueling the fire’s spread. 

Young America’s Foundation has emergency personnel on site, and our fire suppression systems are tested and ready to go. We are in direct contact with emergency officials and fire service personnel are on the Reagan Ranch property.

An estimated 800 fire fighters have been deployed to fight this blaze. Our team has confirmed that tanker airplanes, bulldozers, and other necessary equipment has been dispatched to help protect the Reagan Ranch and surrounding properties from this fire.

YAF leadership is working with Congressional allies and other leaders who are offering their support in acquiring resources to help fight this fire. We have been offered two more C-130 tankers to help fight the blaze. 

Fire engines are on the Reagan Ranch property and fire retardant will be sprayed around the structures. YAF is working with local emergency crews to provide access to two lakes at Rancho del Cielo which contain more than one million gallons of water.  Helicopters were filling up from Freedom Lake yesterday.

Young America’s Foundation is extremely grateful for the emergency crews and YAF staff working tirelessly to protect the Reagan Ranch and all structures impacted by the Alisal Fire. We pray for their safety.

Over the years—with the help and leadership of our supporters, staff, and board members—we have taken extraordinary steps to shield Rancho del Cielo from this very threat. Protecting the Reagan Ranch from the threat of wildfire has been a top priority of our Board of Directors, the Reagan Ranch Board of Governors, and our entire team.

We have confidence that our staff and the emergency crews will do everything they can to protect Rancho del Cielo and the surrounding area. YAF will continue to post updates to our website.

Please pray for the safety of all those helping fight this fire and protect Rancho del Cielo and surrounding properties.


Governor Scott Walker

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