Tuesday, October 12, 2021

HYPOCRITE Murphy Parties Maskless With Allies!

 From the NJ GOP:

Masks for thee, but not for me! 

The Essex County Education Association - a union that supports masking kids in schools - was apparently having so much fun at an event in Asbury Park this past week that they forgot their masks at home. 

Not only did they put their own hypocrisy on full display, they caught Mr. Mask himself - Phil Murphy - also partying maskless in a photo tweeted out (but then deleted & saved thanks to Save Jersey).

The gathering is precisely the type of event for which Murphy's own guidancecalls for masking. NJ 101.5 reports:

Murphy and Persichilli recommended wearing masks when encountering:

- Crowded indoor settings
- Indoor settings involving activities with close contact with others who may not be fully vaccinated
- Indoor settings where the vaccine status of other individuals in the setting is unknown
- Where an individual is immunocompromised or at increased risk for severe disease

Murphy did not send out any tweets from the Equality Ball, but instead posted a produced video honoring New Jersey's diversity.

However, most photos Murphy has tweeted out shows him masked up at indoor events he has attended in recent months.  Most of those events had far fewer people than were in attendance at the event in Asbury Park.

* * * 
What do you want to bet that the people who made and served his food that night at the venue and then cleaned it up were required to wear masks?

Phil Murphy is a disgrace who demands of others that which he is unwilling to do for himself and his friends. 

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