Thursday, November 18, 2021

Biden, Democrat Ratings Hit Dramatic New Lows!

Let's face it, folks.
Biden is an abject failure and Harris is an embarrassment.
And the latest polls bear this out. The ABC/Washington Post poll showed Biden and the Dems at new lows and just when it seemed they couldn't sink any lower in the ratings the new Quinnipiac poll shows they've dropped yet again. 
Here's a wrap-up of the latest poll just out:
  • Only 36 percent of Americans give Biden a positive job approval rating. A majority (53 percent) rate him negatively. 
  • On four separate issues, Biden receives his lowest grades so far on each of them. Americans were asked about his handling of...
--the response to the coronavirus: 45 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;
--climate change: 41 percent approve, while 48 percent disapprove;
--the economy: 34 percent approve, while 59 percent disapprove
--foreign policy: 33 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove.

  • When it comes to Biden's personal traits, Americans were asked whether or not Biden...
--cares about average Americans: 47 percent say yes, while 47 percent say no;
--is honest: 42 percent say yes, while 51 percent say no;
--has good leadership skills: 37 percent say yes, while 57 percent say no.
  • Roughly 6 in 10 Americans (61 percent) say the nation's economy is getter worse, 21 percent say it's staying about the same, and 16 percent say it's getting better.   
  • 52 percent say the Democratic Party has moved too far to the left, 6 percent say it has moved too far to the right, and 34 percent say it hasn't moved too far in either direction.        
  • Americans give Republicans in Congress a negative 25 - 62 percent job approval rating.
  • A majority (54 - 42 percent) do not think the Democratic Party cares about the needs and problems of people like them.
  • Among registered voters, 46 - 41 percent say they would want the Republican Party to win control of the U.S. House of Representatives and 46 - 42 percent say they would want to see the Republican Party win control of the U.S. Senate.

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