Sunday, November 14, 2021

Interloping Moochers Meghan And Harry Invade NJ!

The following is from our friends at Save Jersey. In addition to what Save Jersey says about this story, we will simply add this: We wish Meghan and Harry would stay the hell out of our business. They bombed in England and now they're trying to wield influence here. They're elitist misfits without a country and seem destined to be even more troublesome than those other notorious moochers, the late Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Meghan was a disaster in the UK and now there's buzz that she may run for political office here and even seek the presidency. Can you imagine?!
Anyway, reprinted with permission, here's the story:

Meghan and Harry visit Fort Dix, meet maskless (?) Afghan school kids

The black sheep of the Windsor clan (Meghan and Harry) were in New Jersey last week, Save Jerseyans, and we generally couldn’t care less. Our forbearers fought a war of independence so that we wouldn’t have to care about royals and their oddball behavior.

But there is something coming out of their visit to Fort Dix and its 10,000ish Afghan refugees that’s worth discussing.

Check out this classroom photo from the Daily Mail (there’s more here):

Photo credit: Daily Mail

Did you notice that none of the kids appear to be wearing masks?

As you’re well aware, New Jersey school children are still being forced to wear masks by executive order.

So if you’re attending a state-governed K-12 school, Phil Murphy’s pseudo-science rules the day. 

Illegals at the border and Afghan refugees are apparently living under a different set of rules.

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