Wednesday, November 3, 2021

NJ GOP To Dems: Stop Dismissing Voters' Concerns!

The members of the New Jersey Senate Republican caucus issued the following joint statement:

Senate Republicans urged New Jersey Democrats to heed the clear message sent by voters on Election Day. (©iStock)

While we may not know the results of every election for some time, voters in New Jersey, Virginia, and other places across the country sent a clear message that they are tired of having their concerns dismissed by Democrat leaders who think they know better.

Parents who are upset with the direction of their schools came out in force to ensure they have a say in what’s being taught in their children’s classrooms.

Young adults, growing families, and seniors who are struggling to get by voted for lower taxes, a focus on affordability, and to ward off anyone who might consider expensive new policies that would make their problems worse.

After yesterday, it should be clear that whatever mandate Democrats thought they had to govern from the far left no longer exists. In its place, voters in New Jersey and elsewhere left a new mandate for all elected officials to get back to basics and start addressing their constituents’ important concerns.

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