Thursday, November 25, 2021

This Thanksgiving: 21 Things To Be Thankful For!

Happy Thanksgiving, America!

Here are 21 reasons to be thankful this 2021 Thanksgiving holiday:

1) This great nation of ours and all its people: One nation, under God with liberty and justice for all. Let us fight on to protect its values and its proud legacy.

2) The spirit of giving, of helping out to reach others. For example, American individuals, estates, foundations and corporations contribute more than $400 billion to U.S. charities each and every year.

3, 4, 5, 6) The four bountiful freedoms that we enjoy: Freedom of speech; freedom of worship; freedom from want; freedom from fear. These are our cornerstones and  they are now imperiled. Never take them for granted. Guard and defend them fearlessly.

7) Family - the bulwark of our society and the foundation of social order. Again, we must bond together to protect that social order.

8) Our armed services -- all who serve, everywhere and all over the world. 

9) The heroic example of those who gave their lives in service to our nation as we remember them anew this Thanksgiving.

10) All of our first responders and front line workers (especially now and especially our police officers) at every level and in every town and city as well as those who gave their lives in such service.

11) Children -- our investment in the future, the joy of our lives and the wonder of life itself. Ask God to protect our children from those who would corrupt their minds and threaten childhood itself.

12) Native Americans - the true Americans who shared the first Thanksgiving with the settlers. In that spirit, let us strive to work together!

13) The land itself -- from sea to shining sea and beyond; purple mountains' majesty and amber waves of grain. And farmers, too!

14) Our pioneering spirit and creative impulse -- from the discovered frontiers at home to the space age above; we wander onward. always seeking, always discovering, always achieving as we are enriched by the artists, writers, musicians and galaxy of creative minds in our midst.

15) Our Founders and the promise of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that they bequeathed to us. May our stewardship be faithful to their original freedoms, responsibilities, laws, limitations and aspirations.

16) All the great elected leaders who have defined America from Washington to Jefferson to Jackson and Lincoln and Roosevelt (Franklin and Teddy) and Reagan.

17) The unelected leaders who nonetheless inspired us and opened new doors from Franklin to King and everyone in between.

18) All the inventors and scientists and all who charted a path to a better, safer world with longer, healthier lives for all. 

19) Friends: Those who stand by us and encourage us and listen and laugh and love.

20) The proud history and cherished legacy of our nation. We define our story with honor, fairness, balance and pride. Don't let them rob us of our history!

21) Above all, God, who has blessed us, watches over us and stands in final judgement of each one of us and all we do. God bless America!

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