Wednesday, December 22, 2021

10 Quick Ways To Catch The Christmas Spirit!


Still not in the Christmas spirit? You'd better hurry.

Of course, in the run-up to the Big Day, the Christmas season can become particularly hectic and stressful.

Before you know it, you've lost any sense of what Christmas was meant to be.

But you can turn all that around.

And you can do it quickly and simply.

In no particular order, here are ten suggestions for finding the simple joy of Christmas.

1) Go to the nearest shipping mall. Yes, we did say the mall. But don't go to shop. Instead, hurry on over to Santa's corner and simply watch the faces of the children as they chat with the Jolly Old Man in Red.

2) Take a slow walk through the woods and smell the evergreens. Search out a pine tree. They're particularly fragrant. Inhale!

3) Visit a live nativity display at any one of a number of nearby churches. 

4) Play hooky from work. Take lots of time to simply stay home and do something nice for someone else. Make something. Cook something. Create something. Bake something. And then give it away.

5) Volunteer your services to a local charity or community agency. Don't tell us you don't have the time. Find the time -- even if it's just a bit of time.

6) After you've finished putting up your own tree, visit a nearby tree and/or light display. Then, just enjoy!

7) Go anywhere where children are singing Christmas songs. Listen.

8) Open an anthology of Christmas stories and verses. Quietly read the first one you come to. If possible, read by the light of your Christmas tree.

9) If you're in the city, take a walk through the sidewalks and donate to the nearest Salvation Army bell ringer that you encounter. Give generously!

10) Contact an old friend who you haven't seen in ages. Tell that person that he or she is in your thoughts. Let him or her know that you care and extend Christmas greetings. If possible, make plans to meet.

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