Monday, December 6, 2021

Common Sense NJ Motor Vehicle Reform? Voila!

Legislation sponsored by Senator Anthony Bucco to help reduce long lines and wait times at NJ Motor Vehicle Commission locations was approved today by the Senate Transportation Committee.

Legislation sponsored by Sen. Anthony Bucco to help reduce long lines and wait times at NJ Motor Vehicle Commission locations was approved by the Senate Transportation Committee. (

Bucco’s bill, S-2756, would allow licensed motor vehicle dealers to facilitate the issuance of certificates of ownership and registration of cars purchased through private sellers.

“Residents who buy a used car would no longer be required to wait online at the MVC to complete the paperwork transaction,” said Bucco (R-25), the sponsor of a series of bills to ease congestion at the state’s motor vehicle agencies.

“Car dealers are already filing the required forms for cars sold from their inventories, so this bill would capitalize on their experience and efficiency,” said Bucco. “Reducing the burden on MVC should mean better service and less frustration for those who require services from the agency.”

Currently, a person who buys a vehicle from an individual owner, dealer or auction is required to register the car at a motor vehicle location.

Under the bill, authorized dealers can issue a temporary registration certificate for a reasonable fee as determined by the Motor Vehicle Commission.

“Buyers would be able to drive their new car legally, get to and from work, and finalize their registration at their convenience,” Bucco noted. “It just makes sense.”

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