Thursday, December 23, 2021

Dems Choose Districts? Yes, NJ GOP Has No Power!

Republicans in New Jersey are all up in arms over the new congressional district map which gives a clear and overwhelming advantage to . . . you guessed it . . . DemocRATS!

But why? Why are Republicans even surprised by this, let alone angry, or worse -- bemused? The key vote on the map was destined to fall in with the Dems. That was clear all along.

After all, Democrats control this state. They have won the presidential race in New Jersey eight elections in a row. Republicans have not won a U.S. senate race since 1972. Democrats have now been able to re-elect a Democrat governor for the first time in 40 years -- and this in a year when Republicans clearly should have had the advantage. Democrats hold the Governor’s office and both houses of the state legislature.And there's little doubt that liberals hold sway on the state Supreme Court -- and have held sway as long as anyone can remember. Beyond all that, the GOP is down to a measly two congressional seats in NJ -- and it would have been just one if VanDrew had not switched parties.

The simple truth is clear: Republicans have been unable to prevail in New Jersey. Too often, they've been unable to capture the big prizes -- the important prizes that determine real power. Elections have consequences. And, even with an occasional win here and there, by and large, over and over and over again, New Jersey Republicans have come up short. Now, we appear to be stuck with a losing congressional map for the next decade. Bottom line: failure breeds failure.

Not a pleasant thought. Not something we enjoy having to say. Not the way we would like it. And not the way it should be. Clearly, the New Jersey GOP must find a new way forward -- and fast. Because the old way won't do. It's the road to ruin, far as we can tell

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