Friday, December 10, 2021

Five Questions For The 'Hate Has No Home' Crowd

Do you have one of these politically correct "Hate Has No Home Here" signs on your lawn?
If you do, we have five quick questions for you:

1) Do you fear that hate might somehow invade your home? We're just wondering because it seems like you're trying awfully hard to ward off hate -- to keep it from your door even though most of the neighborhoods where we've seen these signs look quite placid and tranquil.

2) Do you suspect that hatred may be already lurking somewhere in the crevices or corners of your home or within your property limits? If so, you'd better have that checked out as the sign is unlikely to dispel it. And, after all, no home is a paragon and none of us are perfect.

3) Do you have reason to believe that one or more homes in your neighborhood that do not display the sign may be havens of hatred? Again, this seems unlikely in most of the neighborhoods we've seen the sign, but whatever . . . .

4) Are you worried about hate crime? Well, hate crime is heinous. But it may not be as prevalent as you think it is. Out of more than seven million crimes committed in the US in 2020 only 11,129 could be classified as hate crimes. That comes out to 0.0014 of the total. That is a mere fraction of one percent! 

5) How do you feel about people who do not display the "Hate Has No Home Here" sign? Are you suspicious of them? Resentful? Think about it!

And one more thing: Do you think displaying the sign somehow makes you a better citizen, a better person, more moral, more upstanding than your neighbors? You may want to reconsider the sign on your lawn because, in the end it may be engaging in nothing more than virtue signaling!

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