Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Kean: NO Onerous Statehouse Access Restrictions!

New Jersey State Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean expressed support for a legal challenge filed today by Republican legislators to a policy imposed by the Murphy administration and Democrats in the Legislature that restricts access to the State House for both the public and legislators:

Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean expressed support for a legal challenge filed by Republican legislators to a policy imposed by the Murphy administration and Democrats in the Legislature that restricts access to the State House. (

“It seems clear that Democrats far exceeded their authority in adopting a policy that’s intended to limit public access to the State House in a manner that’s discriminatory and violates clear constitutional protections afforded to legislators when performing official duties on behalf of their constituents,” said Kean (R-21). “A ruling from the Court to block enforcement of this policy would be a big win for open, transparent, and accessible government.”

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