Saturday, December 25, 2021

New This Year: An Original Christmas Poem!


May your heart find Christmas

In everything you see 

In the little child with Santa Claus 

And the star atop the tree. 

Let the wondrous Christmas spirit 

Shine with every twinkling light 

Let it gladden every soul 

And brighten the darkest night. 

Let every Christmas prayer be heartfelt 

And every dream be filled with love 

Let every Christmas greeting glow 

With enlightenment from above. 

For Christmas is, beyond all else 

A day that dwells apart 

With that family in the manger 

And their journey to your heart. 

Christmas seeks neither gift nor honor 

And brings only one request 

That you give with boundless love 

And put worldly cares to rest. 

That’s the joy of Christmas 

It’s not about what you earn 

It lives in what you give away 

And not what you seek in return.

Christmas In Your Heart copyright 2021 by Dan Cirucci.

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