Monday, January 10, 2022

An 'Over The Top' Performance - Even For Him!

 From Save Jersey by Matt Rooney. Reprinted with permission.

Cory Booker’s January 6th performance was his most over-the-top to date

Did you catch Spartacus’s latest Oscar-level performance, Save Jerseyans?

New Jersey’s junior senator took to the floor on January 6th and delivered an overheated address lasting over 20-minutes. Of course plenty of Democrats said plenty of crazy crap last week, so Booker isn’t exactly unique in that respect, but the man who cemented his reputation as a grandstanding blowhard during the Kavanaugh hearings brings a theatrical element to his routine which continues to set him apart from the rest of the pack!

“There has never been a time in my life where I’ve been more worried about this democracy,” Booker said, his voice breaking. “Why aren’t we talking about the fact that in states right now, laws are being passed specifically designed to disenfranchise people?”

He’s referring to the oft-misunderstood voter integrity laws in places like Georgia that have been completely mischaracterized by the media. What’s truly amazing: how Democrats like Booker went from hailing the Southern state’s 2020 election results and process when Donald Trump questioned the outcome to questioning Georgia’s motives just a few weeks later. Which is it? Is Georgia a bastion of vile, racist voter suppression or not?

Don’t expect a straight answer from Spartacus. Do expect some quality entertainment.

Check this out:

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