Monday, January 3, 2022

And Now, 22 BIG Predictions For 2022

A few years back we told you to keep an eye on Ansel Elgort.  We did that when not many people even knew who he was. Now, he's starring on the Big Screen in Steven Spielberg's reimagined West Side Story which has received rave reviews. We predicted that the late Senator John McCain would become a thorn in then President Donald Trump's side and prevent the GOP from enacting key pieces of legislation and that's exactly what happened in 2017. We also predicted that Donald Trump would quickly get at least two key appointments to the US Supreme Court not long after he took office and we were right on that one as well. And we said New Jersey Governor Chris Christie would go on to write books and have a new career on TV. Correct again!

No, we don't get it right every time. But our batting average has proved to be damned good. So now, here (in no particular order) are our 22 fearless forecasts tor 2022.

Ouchy, Fauci!
In his pedantic style (with his dreadful Brooklyn accent) Anthony "Tony" Fauci will continue to crave and receive media face time in 2022. But Fauci's obvious antics will catch up with him and the act will begin to wear thin. Increasingly, Biden and his cronies will see Fauci as a liability and he will be pressured to step down. He'll be gone by the end of the year, quietly and with "dignity" if all the pieces fall into place. 

Money, Money, Money?
New currencies (such as Bitcoin) will continue to emerge and reign havoc on world money markets. The dollar will continue to lose worth and come under increasing pressure.

No More Bull
On Wall Street, the big bull market that fueled 2021 will begin to subside as the Fed raises interest rates and begins to tighten up on the free flow of cash. Be forewarned: the bears will be at the gate.

Nuttin But Da Troot!
President Trump's new social media platform (Truth) will get off to a rocky start but will quickly set new records for growth and impact. Once again the Trump name will work its magic. 

Challenging the Pope
This will not be a good year for Pope Francis as the Catholic Church continues to face fallout from sex abuse scandals, church attendance declines, dwindling numbers of faithful Catholics, shuttered churches and dissension within its ranks. The upcoming conclave of cardinals that the Pope has scheduled will not go well.

Durham Dead End
Another year and still not very much from the Durham investigation. You remember the Durham probe, don't you? Well, it's nothing but a smokescreen. Don't expect any Big Time Revelations as it quietly fades. It was never meant to have any impact in the first place.

Streaming Shakeout
Cutting the cable cord will become the norm rather than the exceptions and more as more people turn to streaming services and the like. But some of the new streaming operators (there are so damned many of them) won't survive and there will be a streaming shakeout as some of the bigger fish gobble up (or simply squash) those that are struggling.

Housing Beyond Reach
The dream of owning your own home will move further and further away for more Americans as housing continues to become unaffordable. Yes, home prices will begin to stabilize in 2022 but it won't be enough. If you lucky enough to own your own home, it remains a very sound investment.

GOP Resurgence
Nationally, Republicans will have a very good year as they retake the House and narrowly gain control of the Senate as well. They won't do as well in the gubernatorial races and don't ever underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Don't let the door hit you in the . . . 
Pelosi and McConnell will both be gone. Oh, they'll be re-elected to Congress. But neither will hold their party's top congressional post anymore. Good riddance!

Hillary, Again?
Hillary Clinton will begin to explore the possibility of another presidential race. More and more, she will position herself to emerge as the only logical alternative to the disaster that is Biden-Harris. She'll begin to gather old allies and prepare for battle. Calling Robbie Mook . . .  Hello, Robbie? . . . Robbie?

The Youngkin Experience
Virginia's enterprising new Governor Glenn Youngkin will get off to a fast start and score quick, dramatic successes. He and Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears will be catapulted into the national spotlight. In the process, they will become GOP darlings and there will even be much talk of Youngkin as a 2024 presidential candidate.

Queasiness Over The Queen
Queen Elizabeth is planning to celebrate her Jubilee Year in 2022 - 70 years on the throne. It's an incredible run by any measure -- longer, in fact than Queen Victoria. But the Queen is failing and the situation will reach near crisis proportions this year as things begin to unravel.

Trades Trending
As the cost of "higher" education continues to rise, parents and students will begin to wise up and will no longer see college as a certain path to success and solid earnings. Consequently, more and more will turn to the trades and hi-tech trade schools will boom.

"I Am Not A Robot"
No, you're not a robot. But you may also lose your job as robots gobble up more and more jobs once held by humans. And this, too: look for lifelike robot pets (like the one pictured above) to become all the rage as they become more affordable!

Biden health scare
Joe Biden will face a significant health scare in 2022. The White House, the media and the Dems will do everything they can to hide what's really happening and tap down reports on Biden's health. But word will get out and the evidence will be clear.

International angst
The gaps between the US and Russia and The US and China will continue to widen as America's weakness under Biden sends all the wrong signals to these two despicable regimes. Worse yet, China and Russia will draw closer to one another. That could be ominous!

Living with COVID
America and the rest of the world will learn to live with COVID but it won't be easy as more variants emerge and this will not be the last new virus nor is it likely to be the last pandemic.

More pay, less work
People will get paid more and work less. And, they will be able to do even more work from home. They'll have lots of options and be able to chose jobs. But they won't necessarily be any happier. In fact, they may be less happy as they come to realize they are actually less free. 

Cities ravaged
US Democrat-controlled cities will be racked by added waves of violence and the attendant problems of drugs, homelessness, disintegration and related difficulties. As the Age of COVID and deterioration continues, more and more people will flee cities.

Ed The Trucker revs his engine
Newley elected New Jersey State Senator Ed Durr (Ed The Trucker) will quickly make his mark in Trenton and gain national attention as the GOP markets him as a kind of everyman. Durr will align himself with a small group of stalwart conservative legislators including Joe Pennacchio, Mike Testa, Jay Webber and others. But at the same time Durr will be no cookie cutter pol. In fact, he'll prove to be more adaptable and politically savvy than people might think as he listens closely to the voters who elected him. 

Empty seats
There will continue to be empty seats in movie theaters as people hunker down and consume more and more in-home entertainment. Hollywood will adapt by offering more and more big budget super hero action movies and the like -- movies that practically demand a high energy, colossal screen view. Sadly, there will be little room for more mature, intimate, story-centered films which will increasingly be squeezed out of the big screen market.

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