Thursday, January 13, 2022

Biden's Poll Numbers Drift Down Dismally!

The numbers have not been good for Joe Biden for a long time. 

A  l-o-n-g  time! 

He never was a terribly popular figure. But now, in his dotage, he's really sinking. 

And that's because he's made s monumental mess of things and he can no longer hide it.

The latest poll figures are positively dismal. In fact, they're so bad, that most of Biden's voters (those misguided souls who actually voted for him) ought to be hanging their heads in shame -- and they would be IF they had any shame. But the truth is that, in a time like this, rats inevitably begin to scurry away. They waste no time in leaving the ship. And the numbers from the latest polling show that the rats are running for cover. Here are some of the highlights:

  • In today's Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll, only 39% of likely U.S. voters approve of Biden’s job performance. A huge 59 percent (59%) disapprove. The latest figures include 20% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and, a near majority,  49% who strongly disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -29. That means he's 29 points in the tank! This is the lowest rating recorded by Biden yet in the Rasmussen poll which has an admirable accuracy rate.
  • A Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows that if the presidential election were held now, Biden would easily lose to President Trump by a handy six percentage points. What's more, Trump would carry the independent vote by double digit and split the Hispanic vote evenly with Trump. These are remarkable numbers for Trump who seems to look better every day that Biden spends in office..
  • But, there's more. The Quinnipiac Poll is even worse for Biden. There, his approval rating has dropped to 33% with a clear majority, 53%, disapproving. That puts him under water by 20%. 
  • Quinnipiac shows eroding support for Biden even among Democrats where one in four have now failed to give him them approval. In this same poll, nearly half the respondents (49%) say Biden is doing more to divide the country than to unite the country. Significantly fewer feel he's doing more to unite the country.

Americans give negative scores on the following three issues when asked about Biden's handling of.
  • the economy: 34 percent approve, while 57 percent disapprove; 
  • foreign policy: 35 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove; 
  • the response to the coronavirus: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove.  
There's no good news here for Biden and the Democrats, folks. None. Nada. Nothing!

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