Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Murphy Taking NJ Into 'Giant Leap Backward'!

New Jersey State Senator Anthony M. Bucco said Governor Phil Murphy has taken New Jersey backward by declaring a new “Public Health Emergency” related to COVID-19:

Sen. Anthony M. Bucco said Gov. Phil Murphy has taken New Jersey backward by declaring a new ‘Public Health Emergency’ related to COVID-19. (Pixabay)

“While Governor Murphy always talks about moving New Jersey ‘forward,’ he’s taking a giant leap backward by reinstating a new public health emergency,” said Bucco (R-25). “Despite what the governor has said, his action was not taken ‘in consultation with the Legislature.’ His own party said they weren’t consulted, and neither were Republicans. In fact, the Legislature chose to not extend his emergency powers when given the opportunity yesterday. Governor Murphy’s decision both circumvents legislative oversight and breaks his deal with his own party’s leadership. We need to give people hope that life is returning to normal, not returning to one man’s rule by executive order.”

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