Sunday, January 30, 2022

Once Again: New Jersey Ranked DEAD LAST!

Get this: A new study just released by Wallethub ranked all 50 states across three main categories for retirees — affordability, quality of life, and health care. Which state do you think is the WORST state to retire in?

It's New Jersey. Not surprised? We can't imagine why (wink wink!). Yes, New Jersey, as it turns out, is ranked dead last.

And where are the BEST places to retire? That would be Florida, Virginia, and Colorado which ranked as the top three destinations for retirees, the study said.

So, why was New Jersey ranked so low? Oh, c'mon! You know why -- and you also know that one of the BIG reasons is TAXES! Compared to other states, the Garden State was at the bottom of the pack for adjusted cost of living (42nd), health-care facilities per capita (46th), and how tax-friendly the state is (41st).

And, as far as we can tell, New Jersey's so-called "leaders" aren't doing a damned thing about any of this. Not a damned thing!

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