Friday, January 7, 2022

Pennsylvania Primary: Let The Voters Decide!

 Memo from Gayle Michael:

    Pennsylvanians are witnessing an extraordinary political time as there are a plethora of Republican candidates announcing their intention to run for Governor, Lt. Governor, and US Senate.  The field of candidates is exceptional and continues to broaden; each is distinguished and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to their campaign.  They all are to be congratulated for caring enough about Pennsylvania and its citizens to run for these soon to be open seats.  Because of this enormous field, it would be a travesty to deny Republican voters the ability to choose their candidates in the Primary by virtue of State Committee endorsements.  
   Pennsylvania has approximately 3.5 million registered Republicans and voters should be able to vote for whoever they feel best represents their interests from such a broad field of candidates.  While 350 State Committee members generally meet to endorse, because of the vast amount of candidates, this would be a time for State Committee to take a step back from endorsing and rather amend or suspend the bylaws, to  let the voters decide in the upcoming Primary.  
    State Committee and the GOP leaders should be grateful that so many accomplished candidates are in the running, and, therefore, side with the voters—support the voter’s choice and move forward to victory in the November election.    
    I encourage all contenders to stay your course.  You have much to offer the residents of our great state.  Your allegiance is to the people of Pennsylvania, first and foremost.  All the best as you take your candidacy and vision to the voters.  



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