Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The 2020 Election: What Journalists Need To Know

Our friend W. Clifton (Cliff) Barnes recently wrote the following commentary which is one of the best things on the subject we've read thus far:

I'm so tired of smug news journalists continuing to say Trump's assertions of a stolen election are false and unfounded. 

They certainly are unproven but there was fraud and there were voting irregularities. Trump thinks there were enough to tip the election. Most experts think there were not. We can all have our opinions but many journalists don't want you to even have an opinion - they've told you there is nothing to see here, everything was on the up and up, and basically to trust the establishment (of which they are a part). The media feels free, in news stories mind you, to state as fact that Trump made "false claims."

Joe Biden is president. We know that. But the media and other establishment (both Dems and GOP) has ignored or conveniently explained away concerns that many average Americans have and go on the offensive by asserting "false claims." Just because something can't be proven doesn't mean it's false. 

There was a lack of curiosity from the media about election irregularities from the start because generally they were happy with the result. You can bet if some of the things that happened leading up to the election and on election night had happened to Biden, they would have been all over it. Again, Biden won, Trump lost but Abrams lost Georgia and never accepted it. Still, you don't hear the media saying her claims are false. She still hasn't conceded. 

The people want the media to be consistent instead of just going hard against someone they don't like. I don't like a lot about Trump either but, just like other presidents, he should be allowed to make claims without news journalists (non-editorial journalists) making the assertion that the claims are false. 

Were there more instances of fraud and irregularities than usual? It may or may not have been enough to change the election but let the man make his claims and let people make up their own minds about the veracity of those claims rather than stating as fact in a news story that they are false.

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