Tuesday, January 25, 2022

What's With The Tattoo Craze, Anyway?

Tattoos are increasingly common among younger Americans, and most of those who have tattoos have more than one.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 67% of American adults don’t have any tattoos, while 21% have two or more tattoos. But, more than half of all Americans under age 40 do have tattoos. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Do you tattoo?
If so, why? Are you trying to make a statement? Is it part of an emotional commitment? Or did you just decide to get tattooed on a whim or a dare?
Whatever the reason, we don’t get it.
Still, it’s obvious to us that others are onto the tattoo craze and, as the survey notes, the movement has certainly taken hold among young people.
Even women seem to be getting tattooed at an accelerating rate. And that is particularly irksome as far as we're concerned.

So, we just don’t like it. And it doesn't matter to me how many famous or hip or "with it" people have tattoos.
Fortunately, others are reacting the same way that we are.
Some companies have now had to adopt policies that either prohibit or place restrictions on visible tattoos, body piercings and other body art.
Even the Marine Corps has banned extra large tattoos below the elbow or the knee lest these spoil the Corps’ spit and polish image.
Who’d have thought it would come to this?
It seems that some people have forgotten that less is more. Plus, tattoos don’t age very well and the sentiments they express often turn out to be passing, at best.

And speaking of sentiments, the Bible long ago weighed in on body adornment proclaiming: “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.”
The idea is that your body is the temple of your soul, an instrument on loan from God to contain your essence and you should not deface it.
Makes sense to us.
Yet many people don’t seem to get the message.
They're making our world more crass and more vulgar day by day.
Which makes us want to ask them: Why bother with a tattoo when there are kinder, gentler ways to make a statement, demonstrate your love, show your affiliation or remember a loved one?
Besides, some of us would rather not see your tattoos anyway. 

There are enough in-your-face sentiments being expressed everywhere we turn. We don’t need anymore.
So here’s our plea: Do the world a favor. Think long and hard before you get a tattoo. And if you already have one, cover it up or consider having it removed.

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