Sunday, January 30, 2022

YOU May Have The Next Great Story To Tell

The Russo Brothers Italian American Film Forum provides an incredible opportunity for inspired and creative artists to craft films that explore the Italian American experience. Record-breaking Hollywood directors Joe and Anthony Russo invite you to explore the present, past, and future of this unique and important cultural expression and identity. 

A select number of applicants will be awarded an $8,000 grant that serves as a production budget for the story they'd like to develop and create for the screen. Documentary, narrative, fiction, and nonfiction are all acceptable formats. There are few rules to the content of your film, only that it illuminates some aspect of the Italian American experience. 

These grants are open to people of all nationalities and backgrounds, as the Italian American culture has touched so many of us in profound and resonant ways. 

Grants will be awarded based solely on the promise of a film's premise, how it relates to the Italian American experience, and the creative potential of the filmmakers. 

Deadline: March 1, 2022, 11:59 p.m. PT
Italian Sons and Daughters of America (ISDA), a member of the Conference of Presidents, is a proud sponsor of the Russo Brothers Italian American Film Forum. See what else the Russo Bros. are up to at AGBO.

For questions on the Film Forum, please contact Gabriella Mileti at

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