Sunday, February 20, 2022

Oh, Yeah: Time Are Changin' In South Jersey!

From Matt Rooney at Save Jersey reprinted with permission:

If you need more evidence that the times are changing in South Jersey, Save Jerseyans, turn your attention to Wednesday’s Gloucester County Board of Commissioners meeting.

The Democrat-controlled board voted 7-0 in favor of a resolution advocatig for the passage of S-1200. That’s the Declan O’Scanlon (R-13) bill co-sponsored by Vin Gopal (D-11) to curb Phil Murphy’s emergency powers.

The unanimously-adopted resolution was introduced on January 31st by Nick DeSilvio, one of the board’s two brand new Republican commissioners (along with Chris Konawel) who were elected in November’s red wave.

What does this tell me?

South Jersey Democrats aren’t in love with Governor Murphy by any stretch of the imagination, and that’s all the more true after their November drubbing; today’s new legislative map which essentially surrenders most of the state’s southern districts to the GOP won’t help the relationship.

It’s also an act of self-preservation. Jack Ciattarelli carried the county by 10-points last year and the Biden inflation nightmare isn’t doing Democrats any favors.

And one more thing… two politicians willing to take a stand can make a difference. Hopefully this is just the beginning.

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