Monday, February 28, 2022

On Eve Of SOTU: Biden's Numbers Hit 'Rock Bottom'

On the eve on Biden's State of the Union address the poll numbers are out and they're very, very bad for Joe Biden.

Here's a rundown:

  • Among likely votes, Rasmussen shows Biden with a dismal 40% approval rating and a whopping 59% disapproval. It also shows that fewer than a third of voters think he's leading us in the right direction. 
  • As bad as Rasmussen is, the ABC/Washington Post poll is even worse for Biden, showing him at an embarrassing 37% approval rating with disapproval at 55%. And voters are sour on the Democrat House in this poll too with 50% favoring a Republican House going forward and only 40% willing to continue the present Democrat majority.
  • We al know that NPR leans decidedly left so, get this: now, even the NPR/PBS/Marist poll shows Biden in the tank with only 39% of respondents saying his first year in office was a success and a clear majority (56%) calling it an outright failure. What's more, 54% said he's not fulfilling his campaign promises, and 52% said he has done more to divide the country than unite it. All are the worst marks of his presidency in this survey.
  • And, all of the surveys show Biden getting massive negative marks from a key group -- independent voters. For example, in the NPR poll his approval rating among independents has dropped to 29%.
  • Here's another key indicator: Biden doesn't even reach 80% support among Democrats with most Democrats now saying they don't run him to run for a second term.
  • On top of it all, Biden doesn't inspire intensity among the dwindling number who still say they support him.  Among that group, just 14% strongly approve of the job Biden is doing. No wonder the director of the NPR poll termed Biden's performance "rock botton".
Finally, remember: most polls undercount Republicans. So these figures could actually be much, much worse!

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