Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Political Warfare In The Trenches, New Jersey Style

As the midterm election approaches, Dan Cirucci chats across generations, live with Republican activists J. D. Bryden and Patrick Cassio, both of Union County, NJ. 
We talk about the key congressional race in New Jersey's newly-configured 7th congressional district where Republican challenger Tom Kean, Jr. seems to be well positioned to defeat an incumbent Democrat congressman. This would be a major pickup for the GOP as part of what some see as a Republican resurgence in New Jersey. 
Both Pat and JD are very active in Union county politics at the grassroots level where these kinds of campaigns are won or lost. They know the ins and outs of local politics and the nature of New Jersey's unique political culture which is characterized by hard fought, even brutal, battles. 
Get a close look at two of the really well-intentioned people in the trenches who care passionately about their neighbors, their hometowns, their county and their state and find out why Ronald Reagan called people like this America's "everyday heroes".

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