Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Whoopi Goldberg: Arrogant, Ignorant, A Shameless Embarassment!

There it is, right there. Whoopi Goldberg says the Holocaust "isn't about race".
She's trying to backtrack now but she's only issued a somewhat tepid apology expressing her "regret" and admitting she was "wrong". She also says she's sorry people misunderstood her comments. What? What's not to understand?
Her comments are arrogant and grossly ignorant. And ABC is correct to at least suspend her for two weeks.
The Holocaust constituted the mass annihilation of an entire race of people using the tools of manufacturing on a scale heretofore unknown. It was mass manufactured murder! And yes, it was devised by racists -- racists who specifically identified Jewish people as an inferior, disposable race. If Whoopi had any shame at all, she'd be ashamed of herself. This is disgusting!
I've been to Auschwitz. I walked through the concentration camp. I saw where and how the horrors we're carried out. Assembly line murder? No, it was even worse than that. People were treated like freight -- actually treated worse than animals sent to slaughter. And they were annihilated simultaneously in huge numbers. The horror of it is still there for everyone to see. 
And no, it is not appropriate to compare the Holocaust to anything else -- ever!
In terms of sheer evil on such a horrific scale, it sadly stands alone!
How outrageous that now, more than 80 years later, we're still having to explain all of this!
Here's an interesting addendum: Whoopi was discovered and given her first big break in show business by famed producer Mike Nichols, a German Jew who was scuttled out of Germany as a child in 1939, sparing him the horrors of the Holocaust. Nichols spent the rest of his life guild-ridden wondering why he survived as others perished. His only solace was comedy. This is the man who "made" Whoopi Goldberg!

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