Monday, March 28, 2022

Oscars In The Trash As Thuggery Triumphs!

The Oscars have lost all credibility.

And this really was the final straw.

This marks the ultimate trashing of Hollywood -- the trashing of the culture that is now all pervasive. And, on top of it all, we're also left to wonder if it was actually staged. Imagine! 

Either way, it was a low point -- a vulgarization of what once was a carefully choreographed, elegant event. It was an event where people behaved themselves -- an event which once set the standard and which even showed America how to win humbly, how to be thankful and appreciative and how to lose gracefully, with honor and dignity. And yes, there were winners and losers and it was all fine because that's the way it was supposed to be.

But this is the age of participation trophies where we now say "the Oscar goes to" instead of "and the winner is". And this is the age where we've not only forgotten how to win and lose but we've even forgotten how to take a joke. And forget the collegiality that professionals would normally extend to one another, let alone common decency.

If there was any doubt that Hollywood was over and that punkism now reigns supreme, that ended last night. The glamour is gone, America. All that's left is garishness.

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