Sunday, March 13, 2022

Remembering A Sorely Missed Lost Art . . .

Once upon a time people actually thought before they wrote -- or spoke. And often they wrote something called "letters" - either in their own hand (with a pen or pencil) or with a mechanical device called a typewriter, which did what it said -- typed smudgy print onto real paper. 
These letters were often polite, considered, engaging, witty, insightful and, sometimes even intimate. Part of the fun was opening the letter itself -- holding it and sort of "unwrapping" it. And you could kinda caress it if you really liked it. 
And, of course, you could keep it and return to it again after you replied to it in the same manner. It wasn't just a fleeting something. It was the product of thought and time and good judgement. It was real. Oh, and one other thing -- the words were usually spelled correctly and good grammar rules were followed.

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