Sunday, March 6, 2022

Why Welcome And Celebrate Mass With THIS Man?

It would be nice is someone -- anyone! -- could explain why Biden was welcomed by Catholic clergy to celebrate mass this weekend. 
After all, this man and his party have publically and repeatedly and steadfastly advocated for abortion -- even late term abortion; even partial birth abortion; even abortion up till the time of birth. And Biden has flauunted  this advocacy!
Even on Ash Wednesday at the beginning of the holiest and most solemn season of the Church, he repeated his support for abortion which Catholicism teaches is the killimng of helpless infants. 
So why is he being welcomed into a Catholic Church and offered Holy Communion.?
What kind of example does that set? What kind of statemtnet does that make? What does it say to truly obervant and faitful Catholics? 
So far, no coherent explanatioin has been forthcoming from the Church. 
Until it speaks clearly, strongly and consistently with one voice, what possible authority can the Catholic Church expect to have? 


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