Tuesday, April 12, 2022

'Catholic' President As Anti-Catholic Tyrant!

 A very special message from www.catholicvote.org:

 We knew this was coming from the moment Joe Biden was sworn into office.


And now it’s here.


Even after three major victories at the Supreme Court, the Little Sisters of the Poor will again be fighting for their very survival.


And this time, they won’t be the only ones. 


By the end of this month, all Catholic hospitals, healthcare providers, and even employers will likely face an existential threat from the Department of Health and Human Services – led by self-professed “Catholic” Xavier Becerra (one of CV’s Zeroes of the month for March 2022).


This upcoming battle will be monumental. And I’ll need your help. 


Please help CatholicVote now.


This week, the Catholic News Service reported that the Biden administration’s HHS has made a deal with the devil. 


And what was that deal?


HHS has promised radical abortion and LGBTQ groups that it will mandate health plan coverage for

  • surgical abortions
  • puberty blockers
  • sex-change surgeries on minor dependents
  • “gender-affirming” plastic surgeries


And that’s just to name a few. 


The list goes on.


CatholicVote will fight this proposed rule with everything we got. 


But we need your help now. We MUST be ready for this fight.


This isn’t just about providing “family planning” or contraceptives anymore. It will go beyond forcing employers to cover fertility treatment and abortifacient drugs.


The new rules make the Obamacare mandates look like child’s play. 


Joe Biden – our nation’s second “Catholic” president – is presiding over the most anti-Catholic, anti-life regime our nation has ever seen.


HHS – at the beck and call of the radical Left – will aggressively force all American employers to cover a host of “medical” services that directly contradict natural law and the Catholic faith.


And every hospital and healthcare system will have to provide those services.


Every employer. Every provider. Every plan.


No exceptions. Not even for Catholics!


You read that right: Planned Parenthood and 29 other “sexual rights” organizations have demanded and secured assurances from HHS that this time there will be no religious exemptions or conscience clauses.


The demands are very clear. 


And the penalties will be severe. 


We’re talking lawsuits. Investigations. Even imprisonment for those who do not comply.


Quite simply, these proposed new rules would make Catholic healthcare illegal. And it would therefore force thousands of Catholic hospitals and charity organizations to give in, sell out, or shut down. 


That’s 1 in 6 hospital beds in the United States gone.


Sure, there will be a public comment period, but it’s unlikely that even a tidal wave of protest will change Secretary Becerra’s devilish determination to deliver America up to the extreme and totalitarian demands of the radical Left. 


And I’m certainly not looking to President Biden to protect his fellow Catholics or any American of good conscience on this one.


But we’re not giving up. We’re gonna fight at the ballot box, in the halls of Congress, and in the courts. 


We will not give in. 


Imagine what the Founding Fathers would say about a federal government that would shut down a religious hospital because it refused to castrate a young boy – or kill a baby partially born who can feel pain.


That’s why we MUST fight back. 


If the Little Sisters could fight for seven years and win three times at the Supreme Court, then we can win again.


And if we can rally enough Americans willing to send a resounding message in the midterm elections, then we’ll know Secretary Becerra’s day of reckoning has come.


Again, we are not backing down. We are only more determined to fight.


Because the America I know is the home of men and women like you who stand for what is good and true. Who stand for freedom and faith. 


So, as we approach Holy Week, I’m asking you to pray with us here at CatholicVote. 


Pray for freedom. Pray that these new rules will be defeated before they can even be enforced. Call on the intercession of Mary, Untier of Knots.


And pray that God will give each of us the heart of a hero. America needs heroes like the Little Sisters, like St. Paul, like St. Thomas More, and like St. Joan of Arc. 


This is the moment of challenge. 


And strength rejoices in the challenge, because we know we will be victorious. 


Brian Birch, President, Catholic Vote


P.S. CatholicVote is already on the frontlines fighting these new HHS guidelines. From the moment they are announced to the moment they are defeated, we will be in the thick of the fray. Help us win this victory by becoming a Champion with your monthly gift!


To become a CV Champion, CLICK HERE.

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