Wednesday, April 20, 2022

GOP's Pallotta Gets Key Primary Endorsement

For the second time in as many elections, New Jersey Right to Life PAC has endorsed businessman Frank Pallotta in his race against incumbent Congressman Josh Gottheimer.
“It was not hard to endorse Frank Pallotta again,” said Marie Tasy, Executive Director of New Jersey Right to Life PAC. “He has continually been on the right side of issues concerning life that help save children and protect mothers. Frank’s pledge to help ensure no taxpayer funds are used for abortions makes him unique in this race.” 
Mr. Pallotta was also endorsed by New Jersey Right to Life PAC in his 2020 Congressional race where he almost toppled Congressman Gottheimer. This year’s race is one of the most closely watched in the country. 
“I would like to thank New Jersey Right to Life PAC for their endorsement. Together, we can change our culture to one that better respects life and ensures that tax dollars are never used to fund or promote abortions," said Mr. Pallotta. “I remember the heartfelt joy of becoming a parent and raising my sons. It is ingrained in me and I only want to help embody that feeling in others. Our ‘abortion on demand’ culture must come to an end.”

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