Tuesday, May 31, 2022

A Facebook Friend's Views On Gun Rights

We think it's important to share these observations (from a Facebook friend) with you:

It is possible, believe it or not, to support the Second Amendment, and also support reasonable restrictions on the availability of certain types of firearms (in particular those that serve no purpose other than mass murder), and access to firearms in general for certain types of people.  Maybe we should raise the age of firearm ownership.  I didn't own my first gun until my thirties.  That would've stopped a lot of these shootings right there.   Maybe, if we have to have these AR-style things, they can only be kept at a licensed firearms range.  They serve no home or personal defense purpose at all.  Maybe the New Jersey requirement of a waiting period while mental health and background checks are performed is not the worst thing in the world. (It's not.  I've undergone it several times.  Then I get my gun).  Maybe the solution is a combination of things.  

But for as insensitive as these self-righteous "thoughts and prayers are not good enough" statements are, it is right that the status quo is not good enough, and that we should not accept (and this country won't much longer accept) that the price of the Second Amendment is that every so often we're going to have a massacre, and that's just something we'll have to live with, because I'm telling you now that we won't. 

Rights need to be protected, and gun rights are no different.  The best way to protect rights is to use reason to prevent their abuse.  Taking an all or nothing approach eventually results in being left with nothing, especially when you're in the minority.  

And by the way, the right to life is kind of important too.

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